
Directional Traffic Advisor Light Bars

Our LED Traffic Advisor Light Bars were designed with emergency responders, tow truck drivers, and public safety professionals in mind. Our directional bars come with built-in traffic advising features and are available in three different models: Standard, Alternating, and MultiColor. With powerful 3-watt LEDs and STL's Eclipseoptic technology, these interior traffic advisor bars provide superior performance.

Our LED Traffic Advisor Light Bars were designed with emergency responders, tow truck drivers, and public safety professionals in mind. Our directional bars come with built-in traffic advising features and are available in three different models: Standard, Alternating, and MultiColor. With powerful 3-watt LEDs and STL's Eclipseoptic technology, these interior traffic advisor bars provide superior performance.

What are Directional Traffic Advisor Light Bars?

Generally, a standard light bar flash pattern flashes in a strobe-light manner which typically captures the attention of other drivers. However, directional traffic advisor light bars allow you to set a directional flash pattern in order to direct traffic accordingly. These bars give you more functionality and ability when it comes to using your vehicle warning lights to control the road.

As you browse through the options that are offered here on our website, you will see that we offer a variety of directional light bars. You can choose from a variety of traffic advisor LED warning light bars in different sizes and different models all with unique functionalities that best suit your needs.

Multiple Features to Provide Many Solutions

The features that are built into these directional traffic advisor light bars allow you to program the lights in a specific direction so that you can utilize the light patterns depending on the situation. You can choose the pattern, speed, frequency of flashing, and direction in which the lights will flash.

If you find yourself in a situation where you don’t need to direct traffic in a specific direction and prefer the standard warning light modes, then you simply can switch these light bars back to warning mode and use the standard flash patterns accordingly. This can all be easily controlled by using the optional Direct Control Box to activate and control your LED traffic advisors.

For more information about our emergency vehicle traffic advisor lights, feel free to contact our team at SpeedTech Lights. We will gladly assist with anything that you need!

MultiColor LED Traffic Advisors Light Bars - Dual/Tri/Four Color Flashing Configurations


Our MultiColor models of the Virtue® series traffic advisor light bars are our newest and most impressive interior warning lights with a variety of flash patterns that feature both MultiColor flash mode and single color A or B flash mode. The MultiColor functionality of this bar allows both left and right sides to flash different colors in the same module based on your order giving you true MultiColor flashing functionality while also giving you a variety of flash patterns in single color mode A or B so you can even switch between which color you need to use at that time, giving you the best of both worlds.

With our multicolor models, having amber as your secondary color allows you to run warning colors interchangeably with your amber colors. So you can run multicolor flashing or multicolor traffic advising as you desire, or you can even run just your amber warning lights in flash or traffic advisor mode. The possibilities are endless when customizing your MultiColor Traffic Advisor with SpeedTech Lights.